CDIC Executive Vice President (EVP) Yvonne Fan participated in the International Association of Deposit Insurers (IADI) 79th Executive Council (EXCO) and associated meetings, including those of the Analysis Council Committee, Policy Council Committee and Implementation Council Committee in Rome, Italy from 11 to 14 June 2024.
In the 79th EXCO meetings, various IADI's matters, including IADI Annual Plan for 2024, Council Committee Work Plans, IADI 2023 Financial reports, 2024 Budget, etc., were discussed and approved. CDIC EVP Fan, as the Chairperson of the Analysis Council Committee, chaired the meeting during which ongoing initiatives, future projects, priorities of the research topics, and the Analysis Council Committee workplan were discussed and approved.
IADI domiciled at the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland was established in May 2002. Currently it has 126 members, including 98 Members, 11 Associates and 17 Partners. Since 2002, CDIC has been actively participating in IADI activities as a founding member of the Association, promoting important IADI activities and joining the decision-making process as a member of the EXCO since 2003, which is responsible for IADI's major policies.

Group Photo of IADI 79th EXCO EVENTS in Rome, Italy—CDIC Executive Vice President Ms. Yvonne Fan (seventh from the left) and IADI EXCO members