The CDIC President Annie Cheng and Executive Vice President Yvonne Fan led a delegation to Basel, Switzerland, in late October 2024 to attend the Joint Meeting of the International Association of Deposit Insurers (IADI) and the Financial Stability Board (FSB) Resolution Steering Group (ReSG), the Resolution Conference, co-hosted by IADI, FSB, and the Financial Stability Institute (FSI), IADI High Level Steering Group (HLSG) meeting and other associated meetings.
The Joint Meeting and the HLSG meeting focused on discussions regarding the proposed revisions to the Core Principles for Effective Deposit Insurance Systems, issued by the IADI in 2014. At the Resolution Conference, speakers from leading international financial institutions, supervisory authorities and deposit insurers were invited to share their insights on topics related to resolution planning, the role of deposit insurance in the resolution of problem financial institutions, operational readiness for resolution planning, testing and simulation, beyond bail-in: options in resolution strategies, as well as liquidity and crisis management.
The IADI domiciled at the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland was established in May 2002. Currently it has 127 members, including 99 Members, 11 Associates and 17 Partners. Since 2002, CDIC has been actively participating in IADI activities as a founding member of the Association, promoting important IADI activities and joining the decision-making process as a member of the EXCO since 2003, which is responsible for IADI's major policies.

Photo of CDIC President Ms. Annie Cheng (on the right) and IADI President and Executive Council Chair Mr. Alejandro López (on the left)

Photo of CDIC President Ms. Annie Cheng (on the left), FSB Resolution Steering Group Chair and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Chairman Mr. Martin Gruenberg (on the right)