






Page 6 - CDIC Company Profile Ebook
P. 6

Background of Establishment

                         Financial globalization     Liberalization and internationalization

                                The trend toward the liberalization and internationalization of financial activity
                             worldwide  has  brought  greater  challenges  and  increasingly  intense  competition
                             to financial operations. In addition to enhancing the healthy operation of their
                             financial institutions by maintaining an environment of benevolent competition,
                             various countries have responded to these changes by placing the focus on the
                             establishment of deposit insurance systems to serve as a safety net for depositors
                             and using it to bolster confidence in the financial system so as to avoid the
                             occurrence of a chain reaction of bank runs and to maintain financial stability.

                                In view of the fact that the deposit insurance system is an important tool for
                             dealing  with  financial  change, Taiwan  began  planning  the  structures  needed  for
                             such a system with the holding of a National Financial Conference in 1982, and
                             received  the  unanimous  approval  of  the  financial,  governmental,  and  academic
                             sectors.  The  Ministry  of  Finance  (MOF),  together  with  the  Central  Bank  of  the
                             R.O.C. (Taiwan), then convened representatives of the financial industry to
                             formulate the Deposit Insurance Act, which was promulgated by the President and
                             implemented on January 9, 1985. The CDIC was established, pursuant to the Act,
                             on September 27 that same year as the sole institution in Taiwan charged
                             exclusively with the provision of deposit insurance.

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